n27=ctcp 1:trout:/ctcp $nick GO suck a fish! | /.ignore -u21 $nick
n28=ctcp 1:ES:/ctcp $nick ESplus %logo
n29=ctcp 1:ESPLUS:/echo 4 -a $nick is using:3 $parm2*
n30=ctcp 1:SPEAK:/speak $nick says $parm2* | /notice $me You have been spoken to by $nick , and $nick says $parm2*
n31=ctcp 1:address:/.notice $nick Your address is $nick $+ ! $+ $address | /.ignore -u21 $nick
n32=ctcp 1:whoareyou:/.notice $nick I am who I say I am
n33=ctcp 1:version:/.notice $nick 3 I'm using mIRC 4.72, and loaded with: %logo 2 Get it at http://home.sprynet.com/sprnet/limbeck/in.htm4 :)
n34=ctcp 1:whoami:/.notice $nick you are $nick , I'll bet that was hard to figure out!!!!!!!
n35=ctcp +13:Mylevel:/.notice $nick You are on my s**tlist, get out of my face!!!!!!! | /finger $nick
n36=ctcp +613:mylevel:/.notice $nick You are on my MAJOR S**TLIST, you are on my bad side as well!!!!!!! | /finger $nick
n37=ctcp 1:MYLEVEL:/.notice $nick Gettin there! You have at least access level 1
n38=ctcp 5:MYLEVEL:/.notice $nick You are a friend, I hope! You have at least access level 5 | /time $nick
n39=ctcp 7:MYLEVEL:/.notice $nick I trust you completely! I HOPE !!!!!!! You have at least access level 7 | /ping $nick
n40=ctcp 50:MYLEVEL:/.notice $nick You are the boss! But NOT the boss of ME, I am the boss of me!!!!!!! You have at least access level 50! | /whois $nick
n41=ctcp 1:PAGE:/.notice $nick You have paged $me ...I shall respond. %logo | /echo 3 -a You have been paged by $nick, $nick will be ignored for 21 seconds to prevent a flood from $nick. :) | /wavplay pager.wav | /.ignore -u21 $nick
n42=ctcp 1:TIME:/.notice $nick My local time is: $atime %logo | /.ignore -u21 $nick
n43=ctcp 1:usdate:/.notice $nick the Current date in the United States of America is $adate or ( in pacific time ) $fulldate and the normal time is $atime